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Shia LaBeouf ain’t so hot anymore

Posted on: April 21, 2008

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You know, I’m not even sure what was attractive about Shia LaBeouf in the first place, but reports are coming in that the man is having some trouble attracting the ladies these days!

SHIA LaBeouf may be a full-fledged movie star, but it’s not enough to impress the picky types who hold court at hotspot Beatrice Inn. One recent night, spies say LaBeouf was “desperately seeking a lady . . . but none of the hipster hotties were standing for it.” Our onlooker snickered that he finally turned to one woman and whined a line that will send any guy home solo: “How do I get a girl to go home wit

Ouch!  Must be hard to have it, and then loose it so close together.